We are Clean and Certified!

We are Clean and Certified!

Our products are redefining nutrition excellence by proudly earning the prestigious Clean Label Project Certification from the USA.

  •  100% Clean 100% Clean
  •  Zero Contamination Zero Contamination

Say hello to 100% clean, award-winning nutrition

Say hello to 100% clean, award-winning nutrition

PLIX is Clean Label certified. This means that our products contain zero contaminants and are 100% clean. In recognition of our efforts to offer you only the best possible nutrition, our PLIX supplements have also been awarded the Purity Award by the Clean Label Project.

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Your health and safety matter to us

Your health and safety matter to us

When we started PLIX in 2018, our goal was to provide India with delicious, holistic, effective, and 100% clean nutrition. Since then, we've been dedicated to ensuring our community gets the best nutrition possible through our products. Thanks to your trust and support, we're excited to announce that The Clean Label Project has awarded our supplements the Clean Label certification in recognition of our efforts and vision!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Clean label certification is an accreditation given to products in recognition of their purity, safety, and environmental sustainability.

YES! In fact, the CLP project goes one step ahead and conducts additional testing for Glyphosate, heavy metals, plasticizers, and pesticides to ensure that a product is 100% safe.

Clean label certification is offered by The Clean Label Project - an American non-profit organization with a mission to bring truth and transparency to food and consumer product labeling. They assess the presence of heavy metals, pesticide residues, plasticizers, and other chemicals of concern in consumer products.

YES! They were always clean, but now we have the backing of rigorous scientific testing to prove it.

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Making a difference together

 Fight hunger with love

Fight hunger with love

Every purchase you make feeds 1 underprivileged child in India
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 Pledge a Tree

Pledge a Tree

With each order, we plant trees! Your support can help us reach our goal of planting millions more in the coming years.
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