Your support keeps us going

You save our planet and make a difference each time you choose clean nutrition. We plant apple, guava, and papaya saplings in India for every order placed so that your PLIX supplements take care of not only your health but also the environment. Thank you for helping restore over many acres of forest land in India and ensuring the well-being of your family's future.

     Track your plant babies here

    Track your plant babies here

    How it Works

     Place Your Order

    Place Your Order

    Select the products that best suit your nutritional needs. Add them to your cart and proceed to checkout.

     You pledge, we plant

    You pledge, we plant

    Once your order is delivered to you, we will plant a sapling in India on your behalf.

     Track the Impact

    Track the Impact

    Keep an eye on our newsletters for updates on the number of trees planted. Join us in our mission for a greener future!

    Clean nutrition for cleaner air

    We're a green brand in every sense of the word, in that our supplements and long-term goals are both full of plants. Being environmentally conscious and sustainable isn't just an attitude - it's an active choice that we make every single day to do our bit for the planet. With your help and support, we're getting close to our goal of planting 1 Mn trees by 2023!

    Meet Our Plant-Partner

    You save our planet and make a difference each time you choose clean nutrition. We plant apple, guava, and papaya saplings in Maharashtra for every order placed so that your PLIX supplements take care of not only your health but also the environment. Thank you for helping restore over many acres of forest land in India and ensuring the well-being of your family's future.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Shop Now

    The "Pledge a Tree" initiative is our commitment to plant trees in India for every order placed on our website. We carefully select areas that need reforestation and work with local organizations to ensure the trees are planted and cared for properly.

    We plant apple, guava, and papaya saplings in India. These fruit-bearing trees not only contribute to reforestation but also have a positive impact on the local ecosystem.

    No, there is no additional cost for customers. We fund the tree planting initiative as a part of our commitment to environmental sustainability.

    Trees play a vital role in improving air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. Our commitment to planting trees aligns with our mission of providing clean nutrition and promoting a healthier planet.

    Simply by purchasing Plix supplements from our website, you are already contributing to the program. You can further support us by spreading awareness, sharing our mission with friends and family, and engaging with us on social media. Together, we can make a significant impact on the environment.

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